Saturday, July 16, 2022

Introducing Gont

You arrive in the morning, filthy, red-eyed, a single donkey and a single days-worth of food left between you. As the sun just begins to reach its fingers above the horrible headache-inducing violet haze which rings the eastern horizon, its first visible EM emissions of the day illuminate your destination –

GONT: The Rainbow confederacy’s westernmost interest of any considerable size, kept alive mainly by passing Hexad-sponsored mule trains and dwarfen die-sel vech convoys, a glorified mountainside truck stop before grander, more profitable locales in the wild west. The township squats inside an ancient earth-toned ringwall of dryland coral, twisting in post-modernist, spike-covered branches, built around a deep natural spring. Before the east-facing gate and arcing left and right are patched and re-patched polytarp hobo tents, the majority abandoned, a few small barrel fires marking continued habitation. Would-be adventurers. A couple of career caravan bodyguards patrol the outskirts on camelback, mostly Bluelanders, escapees from prejudice.

This is a stronghold of Eastern habits and culture in a sea of endless grass and ruined wonders. That Gont is a shithole barely held together by the mutual interests of faraway Rainbowland oligarchs is a secondary detail; they have an IDENTITY, they go to CHURCH, they’re going to make MAD STACKS OF CASH out here in the middle of nowhere, FUCK YOU.

The cold dry season is in full swing, and the desiccating wind carries dust and tiny razors of ice straight into your eyes. The needlegrass lies brown and brittle, close to the cracked earth. Just inside the gate, mudbrick and concrete walls, wooden beams but not many, trees being relatively rare; mud streets, deep tire treads and wagon furrows, only ~90 permanent residents but the population swells by hundreds with the passage of caravans, state officials sent to speak with the khans of the steppe clans, fugitives, members of the Fifth Estate (undocumented ghost people), ETC.

YOU AWAKEN in the room at L’Ultime Motel you had rented the night prior. It was the cheapest one they had so there’s only one bed and a battered tin samovar bolted onto the floor in the middle of the room, a fiberglass basin w/ bucket of cold water, rugs, tapestries, bars on the window. This room’s only 6 sp a night; there’s a two-bed for 12 sp and a four-bed for 20 sp, plus 1 sp per day for taking care of your donkey.

L’ULTIME MOTEL is a three-story pile of shacks on top of a garage. The in-house vech-tech Adipose Jellyguts bangs his articulated porcelain multitool arm around in the depths of some rusted out dwarfen road yacht, screaming at underlings.

The woman who runs the books (Assolta Pistola) and gives you your key (bright brass with a bulky plastic gnome hanging from the keyring) looks like a spider trying to impersonate a human, long and haunting, pregnant pauses, constant calculations, constant activity, but in between bookkeeping she emerges from her administrative web and makes her rounds, checking on boarders, listening at doors, making sure all is well in an accidentally very unnerving way.

The rooms are small with iron bars on the windows, but soft, warm, tapestries and rugs, a samovar each, paper talismans tiled beneath the mattresses, folded into squares, to prevent bad dreams. A nomad custom; when you sleep on new grass every night, next to unfamiliar ghosts, such practices are important.

The attached and jointly-owned public house, Obol’s, is half-underground, serves warm beer with little limes, and boasts a menu of traditional steppe-nomad cuisine altered subtly for the tastes of Rainbowlander caravaneers (more salt and far fewer invertebrates). Pilaf, sausage, lots of horse meat, soft bread. Everything is served by Alka One-Arm, radially-symmetrical nine-armed symbiote-junkie, nervous system replaced by mycelium, smiley, cheerful.

The Plaza Mercat, yurts, always in motion, everything either setting up or tearing down, loading or unloading, surplus goods or trinkets picked up along the route, cherenkov cherries too close to spoiling to make it to the cities; steppelander stalls, marked by the sigil of the Yuzu or the Pomelo, cultural envoys, they’ve got:

    Tinctures for health and enhancement (half-functional nanite slurry drawn up from oldtech reservoirs by crude man-powered pumpjacks, tinctures of yuckwheat)

    Fragile pearls strung on cords and made into bracelets (they form in the bellies of the magical barnacle snail around irritating flashes of half-real cosmic particles as they are caught by the karmic lining of the beasts stomach, crush them to bewilder ghosts)

    Good-luck charms of sparrow skulls and porcelain carvings of the same, alternating, can barely tell one from the other

    Bullets, bullets of every caliber, every shape (each one crafted by the clan gunsmith, or more likely their apprentices, old forge-devices and magics cajol explosive elementals into lead and splintering iron, they are sleeping now, but the spark of the gun-wand is all it takes to begin the reaction and if you listen carefully you can hear them dream as you reload)

    A few expensive guns, locked tight in translucent plaz cases, bound with charmed copper wire and three tiny padlocks each. Their names are written on little slips of paper stuck on the front; “STONE COLD,” “VIOLENT REENTRY,” “WIDE SWATHE” (Rainbow names; the guns are multilingual, and will understand if you cannot pronounce the nom de guerre inscribed in their hearts upon the machining altar)

    Oils and sauces, a thousand spices, a million ingredients, years of quiet slow fermentation produce viscous substances of shocking color, seen through perfectly clear jars of glass; remove the lid and be careful not to faint as the transcendent odor washes over you, meta-umami, the flavor OF flavor

    Strange meat, curlicues of sausage, shelled spring rabbits, skins and furs, the meager bounty of the steppe; nacrepede and sunscarab roasted, sold by the bag; dried yonderpods, lemongrass, ampules of concentrated honey

There is also, always, an ongoing wrestling match happening in the circle of white stones in front of Grandma Soolie, the retrofitted rickety pump system that draws water up from some deep aquifer. The clans have brought their sport of choice to this place: wrestling. Two unadorned human beings enter. No pouches, no kicks, no weapons, nothing but grappling and throwing;  This can go on for hours. Anyone with a score to settle with you (or who just wants to prove themselves more manly) will challenge you to this endurance sport before a more deadly fight.

The pillories lie not far away. Old blood stains the wood in splotches.

The chapel is old, looks like it was carved from a single rock, tessellated polygons like turtleshell plates or fractal geometry, obvious signs of petromancy —

    (in which the provided stone is imbued with animating spirits pre-programmed with mnemonic blueprints and set in motion by the wizard/astral foreman, then directed to produce repeating shapes (more stable generation that way, requiring less attention from the caster, and therefore the mark of a great petromancer is the appearance of complex, non-similar facets in the grain and pattern of the final product), smoothed or textured according to the client’s desire, trimmed and edited at corners, crenelations, buttresses, etc., to finally produce a finished structure, onto which doors, windows, and additional flooring or paneling (if one were so inclined) are added, the entire process taking months or years according to the scope of the project, the skill of the wizard, any alterations made to the design, or any inauspicious astral occurrences which might distract or otherwise hinder the constructive activity of the spirits; to prevent this an active petromantic zone is often guarded by birdskull good luck charms, jadewood totems, notched silver rods driven into the earth, or more commonly (especially in Safranje and Oranje, where the art is most honored) blessed origami strung on white twine.)

Inside is sparse, prayer mats on the floor, fading tapestries on the walls of various scenes from historio-scripture (traditionally the first tapestry is black, for the Forgetting, then the fabrication of the First God of Man, Corpus Mundi (the Needle in the Eye of the World), the creation of the sacral calendar, then various depictions of the saints and their good works).